Saturday, December 1, 2012

Unity How to Shrink your app size

Well, just like others I want to test out an empty unity project to see how big it is once it is installed into my iPhone.

So here it goes

first attempt, build into IOS, open IOS project in Xcode, Build and run -> 60 MB


after googling for an hour and test out this and that

below is the step

Step 1: On your Unity,  File -> Build Setting -> Player Setting, on the IOS tab(3rd one), Target Device -> set to iPHONE ONLY
Target Platform set to armv7

I repeat the step to push it into my iPhone and now it show -> 35 MB

HOLY MOLY !!!!!!

Step 2: On your Xcode, Product -> Edit Schema, on the left hand side "run" tab, then middle "Info" tab , change the build configuration to "release"

Now I repeat the step to push it into my iPhone now it show -> 22.7 MB

I read many tutorial all asking you to buy the USD1500 unity pro which will further shrink down your app to 15MB, sigh, I am very poor, but if I am rich a bit I might pay USD1500 to shrink that 7 MB

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