Tuesday, February 19, 2013

update on 20 feb

So today I continue to push myself to build a furniture shopping menu

my goal is to finish 3 task

1. furniture shopping menu let user choose furniture to buy
2. push furniture into inventory
3. let user furnish their house with the furniture they bought

goal 1 is finished here is the result

goal 2 is to push furniture into player inventory once purchased, this is fine just an arraylist

goal 3 is to furnish the player house with the furniture they bought
- here need to design a bit,
- the layout need to rethink

let say i have 40 furniture
maybe start with top big button "inventory", then show me 40 inventory i have, let say i click one of the inventory, i can then move it across x,y,z and rotate, put or take, so i can furnish each of my 40 inventory

but i cannot just load every furniture everytime i go into the house because the player might not buy all furniture, this is the hard part

can only load the stuff the player bought, this is really headach, for the time being, i will just load all, sigh

now head pain, time to procrastinate again, sigh sigh sigh

Sunday, February 17, 2013

update on 12 feb

Ok, So maybe today i push a bit also

what should i do next, my cloth shop only have the outer design but dont have the inner design

1. get the inner design
Ok, i have done it before copy paste in and add in 24 texture for player to chose which one for their shirt and pants

But all those ugly texture, i guess i worry about that later

the next thing is how to do a buy sell? I guess I just add an unlock button and let player to unlock themself

update 17 feb

Today I will try to build a furniture shop, and try to let player buy furniture to furnish the home

this is very tricky because I am not sure how to do those thing yet

probably is to first let player select furniture to buy then push it into the inventory

once at the home, player can put the furniture on their home

1. Have you done the furniture select to buy yet? this is a big part so no
a. Done the layout? yes i copy paste the cloth shop
b. Put the furniture icon in? not yet, because there are so many of them, okok i put in 3 first

ok, become lazy again, watch youtube, play games, tv, procrastinate first, bye, i swear i will come back to complete this

Saturday, February 9, 2013

update on 10 feb

Ok, I have rest another week without doing anything , so i push myself to move a bit

Ok, so what am I going to do today?

Cloth shop maybe? ok

first step, have you finish the outer cloth shop? yes

second, have you finish the interior of cloth shop? not yet

- what do i need inside a cloth shop?
- a cashier
- a desk to put cashier
- a sale person
- a bunch of cloth rack

Done my cashier

Done one T-shirt
Done Shirt Rack

Done a cloth shop

Ok, I am tired, rest first, bye

Saturday, February 2, 2013

How to Play Sound On Unity

Here is what I found

1. Create a new javascript
2. Paste in below code

public var clip : AudioClip; //make sure you assign an actual clip here in the inspector
function Start(){        
    audio.PlayClipAtPoint(clip, Vector3 (5, 1, 2)); 
3. Drag your javascript to your object
4. Drag your sound clip into the variable "clip"
5. Just run your game and the sound will be played