Saturday, August 11, 2012

Its Saturday and I am lazy

Yes, so here I am , no need to work today, I should have spend the entire day coding but I am lazy so I just spend all the time watching the Olympic, watching movie, playing games, and basically wasting time

I feel regret about it because I am supposed to work hard on my game, so what should I do next, well, let me play my own games and think about it

Ok, so I tested my games, the 5 ppl walking around and when I start to sing, they will float over and stop there, I want to make them move normally

Ok, so today goal is to try make those 5 people run to the main player and give money when the main character sing, and when non sing, they will go back to their original path

After 1 hour and 30 minutes, I done it

-(void)playerdonate:(int) x: (int) y
    [self stopAllActions  ];
    [self walk2picFunction];

    id action1 = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration: 2 position:ccp(x-80, y)];

    id action2=[CCCallFuncN actionWithTarget:self 
    id action3=[CCCallFuncN actionWithTarget:self 
        [self runAction: [CCSequence actions:action1,action2,action3,nil]];

here is how it work

the moment my main character sing, i will stop all action, then the 5 player will start to walk to my main character, so i use a CCSequence to chain the 3 type of action

stop all action
walk 2 pic action

action1, move to my main character
action2, stop all action
action3, throw money action

Once release, then they should go back to their original routine
- (void)ccTouchEnded:(UITouch *)touch withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {

    [myplayer[0] playergo:5 :200];
    [myplayer[1] playergo:7 :220];
    [myplayer[2] playergo:9 :240];
    [myplayer[3] playergo:11 :260];
    [myplayer[4] playergo:13 :280];


  1. hey, just came across your blog. u've got some guts to quit! :)

    all the best from myside
    - iOS developer from 2 years.

  2. thanks dude, you are my first visitor and I am glad you came to read my blog

    I can't get my lazy ass to do anything, How is your game doing?
