Sunday, April 5, 2015

Blender Attempting to create a mouth full of teeth

Okay, So I want to create a scolding guy and I want his mouth to open really big and show all his teeth,

So I started to build teeth,

After I completed all 14 teeth for the bottom, and 14 teeth for the top , i add in some gum

Ya, i know its low poly, but I am noob in this, so i just continue, then i try to create a mouth and put the teeth into it

Next is to add one tongue

So here i got a really big mouth with some teeth and tongue, of coz it is not finish yet, but I will update it later

finally i cut out the head of my character and put the mouth in, so now my character have a really big mouth full of teeth, and some kind of tongue

Friday, April 3, 2015

6 month Indie Game Dev Post Mortem

I quit my job 6 month ago and venture into indie game dev to try my luck and below is the result

First Month: 
Spend 30 days to create "Programmer 9-5 day job" and then launch into Apple Appstore, Google Playstore, kongregate, newgrounds

Why I choose to create this game:
I want to try the paid model of the appstore, where I sell the game for $1 each and test the market, also I find there is 0 day job game on the market so I would like to create the first day job game to see if it is fun or not

Marketing effort:
Post on reddit, Post on blog, spend $5 on fiverr to broadcast to 100k twitter user

revenue so far for 5 months, I round it up

Appstore : $100 (100 sales)
Playstore : $5 (5 sales)
kongregate: $10 (10,000 play)
Newgrounds: $10 (10,000 play)

Second Month:
Spend 30 days to create "Billionaire Curse" and then launch it

Why I choose to create this game:
I want to try to create a game where I want to let user try to have a feel to be a billionaire and then spend all the money in 10 days, I created 10 places for the user to spend money, there is none of this game type on the market yet so I would like to try it out to see if it is fun or not

Marketing effort:
Post on reddit, Post on blog

revenue so far for 4 months, I round it up

Appstore: $100 (100 sales)
Playstore: $15 (15 sales)
kongregate: $0.7 (700 play)
newgrounds: $0.5 (500 play)

Third Month:
Spend 30 days to create "Idle zombie Spitter"

Why I choose to create this game:
Here is where I want to try the free model, where I publish the game for free, and then let the user play for free and then display the Advertisement inside the game and also put some In app purchase, also I would like to try to create my first Idle game and see how it goes.

Marketing effort:
Post on reddit, Post on blog

revenue so far for 3 months, I round it up

Appstore: $28 (11 In app purchase)
Playstore: $0
kongregate: $15 (15,000 play)
newgrounds: $0.5 (500 play)
chartboost: $4 (advertisement in app)

Fourth Month:
Spend 60 days to create "Multiplayer Space Shooter"

Why I choose to create this game:
Here I want to try to create my first multiplayer games where user can play together at the same time and also see how it goes

Marketing effort:
Post on reddit, Post on blog

revenue so far for 3 months, I round it up

Appstore: $0
Playstore: $0
kongregate: $1 (1,000 play)
newgrounds: $1 (1,000 play)
chartboost: $0

Conclusion: If you are indie, paid games is better than free games, and also idle games is better than multiplayer games, and finally, dont quit your job

So here it is, my 6 month journey, it is very grim, but I will continue

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Unity here is how I save triple array using playerpref

Let say you have an array you want to save into Unity using playerpref, and you have a triple array of 50 x 50 x 50 = size of 125,000

public int[,,] map;

    void Start()
        map = new int[50, 50, 50];

Below is how I do it

public void savegame()
        for (int y = 0y < 50y++)
            for (int x = 0x < 50x++)
                for (int z = 0z < 50z++)

                        PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("mymap"+x+"E"+y+"E"+z+"E",map[x,y,z]);
                        Debug.Log ("saving " + "mymap"+x+"E"+y+"E"+z+"E");

    void loadgame()
        for (int y = 0y < 50y++)
            for (int x = 0x < 50x++)
                for (int z = 0z < 50z++)

                    map[x,y,z]=PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("mymap"+x+"E"+y+"E"+z+"E");
