Monday, August 11, 2014

Blender suddenly cannot zoom in

Well, if you find that sometimes blender unable to zoom into your object,

 open File-> User preference -> tick the auto depth

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Unity 4.5.2f1 , XCODE 5.1.1, IOS 7.1, MAC OS X 10.9.4 how to publish an app


after many many hours of trying, below is what you need to do

make sure all 4 software is up to the latest version, including your MAC OS, your unity , your xcode, your IOS

then once you build your game on unity, under the build setting-> player setting -> make sure SDK version is device SDK (if you wanna test in simulator, you put simulator)

the bundle ID is important

once everything else is checked, you click build, then it will build then you double click the .xcodeproj to open xcode

under build setting -> code signing -> put in your certificate and profile

(if you update anything in the certificate, you need to go XCODE->PREFERENCE->ACCOUNT->VIEW ACCOUNT DETAIL-> REFRESH(on bottom left))

archive -> then in organizer- > submit to IOS

- you create your appID
- you create your certificate
- you create your device
- you create your profile (base on appID, certificate, device)

- under manage your app-> add new app -> key in all the necessary thing

STATUS as of 10 AUGUST 2014, upload received, waiting for approval

Third time pay for the IOS developer program, the 3rd $100

Third time pay for the IOS developer program, so this is the 3rd $100, and not a single app yet

what kind of loser like me who pay for the 3rd time and yet not a single app been released yet, so hopefully this time, I can release my app, doesnt matter if it make money or not

Saturday, August 9, 2014

blender how to create a face for noob

below is the youtube video i found for beginner

1. i learn a lot
2. especially the subdivision modifier
3. the CTRL-R loop cut

Monday, August 4, 2014

MAC how to view root folder in your finder

You need to SHIFT + COMMAND + G , then type /

Unity how to publish your game to the Iphone Appstore

Below is the video that i found

just follow step by step

GIMP how to scale your image

Well, you think this is easy? NOPE

1. you press the scale button your toolbox, then you scale it to let say 50x50

2. then you have to press on top , "image" -> "autocrop image"

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Blender video editing basic

1. You can cut the video using shortcut key "K" (soft cut) and SHIRT + K (hard cut)
2. You can drag the entire screen using middle mouse button
3. right click the sound drag, tick the box "show waveform" this is important so you know when the sound show up
4. if you would like to hear sound while you drag, on your timeline, click "PLAYBACK" -> tick "AUDIO SCRUBBING"
5. Say you now place 2 video together both starting at FRAME 0, if you want video 1 to show on bottom left, while the video 2 on the entire screen,
-> select video 1, ADD -> EFFECT -> TRANSFORM, then on the property panel, blend-> overdrop

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Blender how to repeat the texture tile on your plane

Say, you create a plane , a very big one, when applying a texture, by default the software will stretch your texture and it become very blurly, so you want to repeat the texture by 100x100 for example

so you go to your texture tab, under image mapping -> repeat -> you put x = 100, y= 100, then your texture will be repeated 100 time on x, and 100 times on y


Blender how to change your object pivot point

So let say you have a cylinder where the default pivot point is at the center, let say you want to change the center pivot point to the tip of the cylinder, below is how you do it

1. You notice when you left click, there is a red circle (3D cursor), so you set the 3D cursor to the area you like
2. select your object
3. On the bottom, click Object -> Transform -> Origin to 3D cursor

then you will notice now your object is rotate base on your 3D cursor point

Blender how to view texture without render

Below is the tutorial i found in youtube


This is one very tricky tutorial

1. First you need to set on top from "blender render" to "cycle render"
2. Then you select the object, delete original material, add new material, surface change to "GLOSSY"
3. then under the colour, change to "IMAGE TEXTURE"
4. then on top, viewing mode change to "COMPOSING"
5. then select your object, press TAB to go to edit mode, then under mesh -> UV unwrap
6. then on bottom, set the viewing mode to "TEXTURE"

another way is, do not do the above step but do the below step
1. on object mode, select your object, press "N", under the display->shading, change to "GLSL" then tick the box "TEXTURE SOLID"

Blender how to make object suddenly appear and dissapear

Blender how to make object suddenly appear and dissapear? It is simple

first, on your top right, right click your object "EYE" icon and press insert key frame

on your Timeline, drag to frame 20 example, then right click your object "EYE" icon and press insert key frame

so if frame 0 your eye icon is "DISABLE" then on frame 0 your object is gone
on frame 20 your eye icon is "ENABLE" then on frame 20 your object seem like suddenly appear

but if you want to render it you need to insert keyframe on the "CAMERA" icon just beside your "EYE" icon