Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I bought the unity 3d slot machine project

Below is the unity 3d slot machine project that I bought

to play it, just click the "Unity Player Preview"

then install the unity player plugin 500kb then can play

1. walk around using W,A,S,D
2. move close to the machine, then point your mouse to the "insert coin" and click to insert coin
3. move your mouse to "bet max" and click to spin
4. finally move you mouse to "cash out" and click to see your money popping out

pretty cool huh

its a bit expensive but it is well worth it

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

First Person Shooter and Third Person Shooter with Unity3D

Ok, So Today I have learned how to build a simple game using Unity3D

1. First Person Shooter

step1: create a new project -> import Character Controller.unityPackage and also Scripts.unityPackage
step2: create a floor (GameObject -> Create Other -> Plane)
step3: create a light (GameObject -> Create Other -> point light)
step4: on middle bottom, search for "first Person Controller", drag into left hand side(make sure it is on top of the plane)
step5: hit the run button on middle top and you can control your character to move around the floor

2. Third Person Shooter

step1: create a new project -> import Character Controller.unityPackage and also Scripts.unityPackage
step2: create a floor (GameObject -> Create Other -> Plane)
step3: create a light (GameObject -> Create Other -> point light)
step4: create your character( GameObject -> Create Other -> sphere)
step5: make sure you highlight your character(Sphere) then click Component-> Physic->Character Controller
step6: right click on bottom middle create new Javascript
step7: double click open your javascript and paste in the following code

var speed = 3.0;
var rotateSpeed=3.0;

function Start () {


function Update () 
var controller : CharacterController = GetComponent(CharacterController);
var forward = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);
var curSpeed=speed * Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
controller.SimpleMove(forward * curSpeed);


@script RequireComponent(CharacterController)

step 8: drag your javascript into the Sphere (you can now hit play and control your sphere)
step 9: To make the camera following your sphere, you need to search for "smooth follow" on middle bottom
step10: drag the smooth follow script into your main camera on the left
step11: drag the sphere into the your main camera smooth follow "target"
step12: run the game and you can control your sphere to move around the floor and the camera is following

Hope it help

I am so sorry I never came back for 2 whole month

I was playing games and watching tv and continue working for my daily job for this 2 whole month but I never gave up my dream to becoming a very successful game programmer

So I finally decided to stop playing online games and stay focus

Today I am going to learn how to make a 3D game instead, since I guess 3D is cooler and more challenging and if i can do it I rock

So the very first thing is to download blender , a free software that let you create your 3D object and then download Unity3D that you can use to code your 3D game

after playing around for 30 minute here is a product of my 3D character

yeah, yeah it suck ball but hey, this is my first 3D creation so give me a break

things that i learned
1. middle mouse click to rotate
2. tab to change to edit mode
3. right click to select the surface while in edit mode
4. E to extrude
5. Red ball to change color